Our News & Article
BSC Consulting and PT Weda Bay Nikel, one of the largest nickel companies in Asia, have collaborated in assisting the Integrated Management System based on ISO 45001:2018, ISO 14001:2015, and ISO 50001:2018.
Continue ReadingBSC Consulting had the opportunity to provide material regarding the Introduction to QMS ISO 9001:2015 for Brand Inspection in DJKI
Continue ReadingBSC Consulting together with PKTK3 UI carry out assistance activities for the preparation of Fleet, Ship and Cargo Management within PT Pertamina International Shipping (PT PIS)
Continue ReadingBSC Consulting together with PKTK3 UI carried out a Kick-Off for Assistance in Adjusting and Preparing the Work Procedure System (STK) for PT Pertamina International Shipping (PT PIS)
Continue ReadingDJKI held a Workshop on Strengthening SPIP Maturity at Level 4 and Implementing Risk Management in the DJKI Environment on Thursday (30/11). Wahyudin Lihawa, M.KKK as CEO of BSC Consulting acted as a speaker at the workshop activities.
Continue ReadingWahyudin Lihawa, M.KKK was a resource person in the Training and Certification activities of the BNSP K3 Chemistry Young Expert Certification
Continue ReadingWahyudin Lihawa, M.KKK becomes Speaker on BNSP Training and Certification of Intermediate Hygiene Expert with PetroChina International Jabung Ltd.
Continue ReadingBSC Consulting together with PKTK3 UI held a Meeting on OHIH Aspects in the context of the Transformation of HSSE Pertamina EP Cepu (PEPC) Regional 4.
Continue ReadingCEO of BSC Consulting was a speaker at the Occupational Safety and Health (K3) of Office Training activity organized by the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Indonesia
Continue ReadingWahyudin Lihawa, M.KKK was a speaker in the Laboratory Occupational Safety and Health (K3) Training activity organized by FMIPA USU on Monday (30/10) to Tuesday (31/10).
Continue ReadingDJKI, through the Directorate of Patents, has again asked BSC Consulting to deliver training material at Focus Group Discussion activities with the Directorate of Patents, DTLST, and Trade Secrets of the DJKI Ministry of Law and Human Rights.
Continue ReadingOn Monday (11/9) CEO of BSC Consulting, Wahyudin Lihawa, M.KKK was a resource person in the K3 Chemistry Young Expert Training and Certification activity organized by BNSP together with the Ditjen Diktiristek Kemendikbud RI.
Continue ReadingBSC Consulting is proud to announce that it has signed a new partnership agreement with PECB, to distribute PECB training courses in Indonesia.
Continue ReadingOn Monday (7/7) BSC Consulting held a coordination meeting at DJKI Kuningan, West Java. This meeting discussed plans for preparing ANJAB & ABK at DJKI together with BSC Consulting.
Continue ReadingBSC Consulting held a meeting with the DJKI on Monday (3/7) in Kuningan, South Jakarta. BSC Consulting explained the progress of implementing the ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System in 7 Directorates of DJKI.
Continue ReadingBSC Consulting held an online meeting with the Directorate General of Intellectual Property (DJKI) on Monday (26/6). In this meeting, BSC and DJKI discussed the implementation of the ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System in DJKI.
Continue ReadingBSC Consulting has just held a PROPER HIJAU Training activity for the BSC PROPER Team together with PROPER experts. This activity was carried out directly at the BSC Consulting office on Saturday (17/6).
Continue ReadingOn Tuesday (30/5) to Wednesday (31/5), BSC Consulting visited PT Sumco Indonesia in the context of providing assistance in preparation for an audit of the implementation of the Occupational Health and Safety Management System (SMK3) based on PP No. 50 of
Continue ReadingOn Tuesday (19/5), the AIAG & VDA New FMEA (Failure Mode and Effect Analysis) In-House Training activity was carried out. This activity was carried out directly at PT Mikuni Indonesia in Bekasi, West Java.
Continue ReadingPT Sariwiguna Binasentosa (PT SBS) manages non-B3 waste in collaboration with Pondok Kreasi. This program will also be used as an innovation for the non-B3 waste aspect of PT SBS. What royal products can be produced?
Continue ReadingWhat is a biopore hole? Biopore holes, also known as biopore absorption holes, are holes that are made perpendicular to the ground. Biopore holes have many functions and benefits, one of which is to prevent flooding. So, how is it made?
Continue ReadingOn Tuesday (11/4) and Thursday (13/4), assistance was provided to the Center for Agricultural Quarantine Application and Method Testing (BUTTMKP) in preparation for the external audit of 3 Integrated Management Systems.
Continue ReadingIn BATATALKS Episode 2, we will discuss the environment, current environmental issues, and environmental management. So, does the environment need to be managed?
Continue ReadingCongratulations to the Center for Plant Variety Protection and Agricultural Licensing of the Ministry of Agriculture (Pusat PVTPP) for achieving the ISO 37001:2016 certificate and the ISO 9001:2015 certificate with BSC Consulting.
Continue ReadingOn Monday (20/3), Wahyudin Lihawa, M.KKK, as CEO of BSC Consulting had the opportunity to be a resource person by presenting the material "Follow-up to the Implementation of the ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System in Achieving a Certificate".
Continue ReadingOn its 12th birthday, BSC Consulting released a new program, the BATATALKS podcast. BATATALKS is here as the new face of BSC Consulting and provides space to exchange knowledge and spread it to the community.
Continue ReadingWahyudin Lihawa, as CEO of BSC Consulting, provided training at the BNSP Young K3 Expert Training activity in Kab. Siak, Riau on December 7-11. This activity is a collaboration with the Indonesian Ministry of Industry, PT. Indah Kiat Pulp & Paper, and LSP
Continue ReadingThe Directorate General of Intellectual Property (DJKI) of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights received good marks in the Community Satisfaction Survey (SKM) and has received ISO 37001 Certification for managing potential risks of bribery and corruption.
Continue ReadingThe Directorate General of Intellectual Property (DJKI) together with BSC Consulting held an Internal Audit Training and Workshop on Anti-Bribery Management System (SMAP) on 26-28 October 2022 at the Amaroossa Hotel Bogor.
Continue ReadingThe Directorate General of Intellectual Property (DJKI) together with BSC Consulting held an Internal Audit Training and Workshop on Anti-Bribery Management System (SMAP) on 26-28 October 2022 at the Amaroossa Hotel Bogor.
Continue ReadingDJKI continues to prepare for the World Class IP Office. One of them is preparing for ISO 9001:2015 Certification, namely Quality Management Certification (QMS) and ISO 37001:2016 certification, namely Anti-Bribery Management System (SMAP).
Continue ReadingDJKI Ministry of Law and Human Rights (Kemenkumham) conducted the ISO 37001:2016 Training on Anti-Bribery Management and Risk Management within the DJKI Environment on Monday, 27 June 2022 at Oemar Seno Adjie Hall 18th Floor, Ex Building. Noble Center.
Continue ReadingISO 21001:2018 is an Education Organization Management System, which is an international standard published by the International Organization for Standardization, and was released on 1 May 2018.
Continue ReadingISO 14001 is an international standard for Environmental Management Systems (EMS) currently widely used EMS worldwide, with more than 6,000 certifications in the UK and 111,000 certifications in 138 countries worldwide.
Continue ReadingBribery is a widespread phenomenon, creates serious social, economic and political problems, undermines governance structures, hinders development and distorts competition, erodes justice, undermines human rights, hinders poverty alleviation and even caus
Continue ReadingIn everyday life, we are actually familiar with the term commitment . Commitment itself is often used in various fields of life, ranging from the world of work, organizations, and social relations. but there are some circles who are still unfamiliar with
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