DJKI together with BSC Consulting Held a Training and Workshop on Internal Audit along with Management Review Meeting on Anti-Bribery Management System.

DJKI together with BSC Consulting Held a Training and Workshop on Internal Audit along with Management Review Meeting on Anti-Bribery Management System.

?This series of activities aims to prepare DJKI in providing publicservices that are cleaner from bribery and corruption practices within DJKI.

CEO of BSC Consulting, Wahyudin Lihawa gave direct training to alldirectorates at DJKI on the first day, (26/10). In the presentation of thematerial, Wahyudin explained and reminded again the understanding of briberyand corruption practices.

“(If) people want to give something to public service providers topersuade them to be treated specifically or maybe so that we act or not act.So, just offering (or) just agreeing, not yet giving or receiving, that'scalled bribery,” said Wahyudin.

The activity was continued with the implementation of an internal auditworkshop by participants who were guided by a BSC Consulting consultant on thesecond day (27/10). The participants seemed very enthusiastic about carryingout internal audits by each group.

Then on the third day (28/10), the series of events closed with theManagement Review Meeting and the Compliance Function Review (FKAP) of theAnti-Bribery Management System.

Deputy Head of the GratificationControl Unit Team, Dian Nurfitri said the purpose of this activity was toensure the sustainability, suitability, adequacy, and effectiveness of theAnti-Bribery Management System.

"This meeting is important to assess on an ongoing basis whetherour system is sufficient to effectively manage the existing bribery risk,"said Dian when opening the meeting.

Management reviews must be implemented periodically, at least once ayear within the DJKI. The implementation is usually done after completing theAnti-Bribery Management System audit.

In the meeting, the agenda presented by Dian Nurfitri was as follows:

  1. Actions resulting from previous reviews
  2. Strategies issue managed by DJKI
  3. SMAP Performaces (corrective action, monitoring results, audit results, bribery report, and investigation)
  4. Effectiveness of measures for bribery risk
  5. Opportunities for continuous improvement

By carrying out the Management Review and Compliance Function Review of the Anti-Bribery, it means that a series of activities on the Evaluation ofthe Implementation of the Anti-Bribery Management System Implementation processin the DJKI has been completed beforeentering the external audit stage by an independent certification body. It ishoped that the system can be implemented properly and smoothly to create a DJKIenvironment with better public services and of course cleaner from bribery andcorruption practices.

DJKI together with BSC Consulting Held a Training and Workshop on Internal Audit along with Management Review Meeting on Anti-Bribery Management System.

DJKI together with BSC Consulting Held a Training and Workshop on Internal Audit along with Management Review Meeting on Anti-Bribery Management System.

This series of activities aims to prepare DJKI in providing public services that are cleaner from bribery and corruption practices within DJKI.

CEO of BSC Consulting, Wahyudin Lihawa gave direct training to all directorates at DJKI on the first day, (26/10). In the presentation of the material, Wahyudin explained and reminded again the understanding of bribery and corruption practices.

“(If) people want to give something to public service providers to persuade them to be treated specifically or maybe so that we act or not act. So, just offering (or) just agreeing, not yet giving or receiving, that's called bribery,” said Wahyudin.

The activity was continued with the implementation of an internal audit workshop by participants who were guided by a BSC Consulting consultant on the second day (27/10). The participants seemed very enthusiastic about carrying out internal audits by each group.

Then on the third day (28/10), the series of events closed with the Management Review Meeting and the Compliance Function Review (FKAP) of the Anti-Bribery Management System.

Deputy Head of the Gratification Control Unit Team, Dian Nurfitri said the purpose of this activity was to ensure the sustainability, suitability, adequacy, and effectiveness of the Anti-Bribery Management System.

"This meeting is important to assess on an ongoing basis whether our system is sufficient to effectively manage the existing bribery risk," said Dian when opening the meeting.

Management reviews must be implemented periodically, at least once a year within the DJKI. The implementation is usually done after completing the Anti-Bribery Management System audit.

In the meeting, the agenda presented by Dian Nurfitri was as follows:

  1. Actions resulting from previous reviews
  2. Strategies issue managed by DJKI
  3. SMAP Performaces (corrective action, monitoring results, audit results, bribery report, and investigation)
  4. Effectiveness of measures for bribery risk
  5. Opportunities for continuous improvement

By carrying out the Management Review and Compliance Function Review of the Anti-Bribery, it means that a series of activities on the Evaluation of the Implementation of the Anti-Bribery Management System Implementation process in the DJKI has been completed before entering the external audit stage by an independent certification body. It is hoped that the system can be implemented properly and smoothly to create a DJKI environment with better public services and of course cleaner from bribery and corruption practices.

(+62 21) 78342977
Monday - Friday 8.00 - 17.00
Saturday/Sunday Closed
GKM Green Tower 19th Floor Unit 1902-1903 C Jl. TB Simatupang Kav. 89G Jakarta Selatan 12520